Plainspeak – Unacceptable answers to un-answerable questions

So if you think intellectual analysis is stifling your attempts at innovation, it helps to quote from some very articulate people who have voiced an opinion on the very issue you are grappling with. Or just say it in your own words.

You could try saying this:
“The practice of R&D involves making mistakes, realizations, corrections, and more mistakes. Trial and error is a fundamental part of the process. Too many managers in corporate America learn to avoid invention and new thinking because they have been convinced that their careers depend upon not making mistakes.” (Tom Huff)
Or you could say “Boss, that’s the wrong question to ask”

You can also try this
A few observation and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth (Alexis Carrel)
Or you could try saying “Don’t analyze this too much boss”

Another option is to say this:
“All new ideas begin in a non-conforming mind that questions some tenet of the conventional wisdom.” (H. G. Rickover)
Or you can try something like: “You are speaking from the past. I am speaking for the future”

The most effective might still be something like this:
“The best way to kill creativity in a team is letting the boss speak first” (Victoria Holtz)
That basically means: “Shut up!”

As it is quite apparent, many of these can never be said. Period.
But they are quite terrific when you give up, give in, and walk out in a daze, but want to feel good about yourself anyway.

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